Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day trip to Comilla (28th July)

Today we did a day trip outside of Dhaka – to the Maynamati Ruins in Comilla, as part of our in country orientation. It was so nice to get out of the city and into some greenery and although it was an exhausting 3 hour drive each way and with a group of 20 Bideshis felt a bit like a school excursion, it was fascinating to see the ruins of some Buddhist Temples from the 6th and 7th centuries.

Highlights of the day included somehow being convinced to dance Bangla style with a group of Bangladeshis – something that housemate Shelly captured on video which I will try to upload on here at a later date - and being saved by Deepak, Nubia’s fiancé, from a major stack down a muddy path in the rain. Poor Deepak is about half my height but luckily proved be quite strong as he caught me while I slid down. I’m just thankful that Nepali etiquette about touching women is different to Banladeshi, as I’m pretty sure the Bangla guys would, by instinct, have let me fall rather than touch me!

Here’s a couple of photos from the ruins.

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