I'm back in Dhaka and since being back I've been having a few too many "terrible, no good very bad days". I've been frustrated that I am still sick (though definitely improving - just a bit too slowly for my liking) - and that work is not going how I expected. And my energy levels have been so low that the smallest of things seem to upset me.
But it only takes a walk down my road to gain some much needed perspective and a reminder that in the scheme of things, my problems are insignificant.
Today as I was walking down my street there was a man, physically unable to walk, who was pencil rolling across the street, yelling for Allah and clutching a bowl for begging. His back was scarred badly, I assume from rolling around on the bitumen road and rickshaws and CNGs were dodging him.
I certainly have nothing to complain about.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I apologise for my entries being so few and far between lately (please see the post below for an explanation). Hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be able to do a proper update and add some more photos.
One thing I did want to share though is how crushed I have been by an event that happened at work lately. To say I've had a hard time settling into work is a major understatement. I totally underestimated how hard it would be to work within a local organisation when I don't speak Bangla and when I have to rely on a few colleagues who have proficient English to guide me through as I learn about the different projects our organisation is running, while at the same time trying to grasp different cultural norms and work styles - and different attitudes to women (particularly young ones such as myself).
One of my colleagues who has been particularly good to me is a man who was fairly high up in our organisation and was the counterpart of the other Australian volunteer working there (we are each assigned a counterpart who we are supposed to work closely with and 'skills transfer' with). I was so jealous of the other Aussie volunteer, as for various reasons, many of which I am not exactly sure, I have had very little contact with my counterpart (~3 hours in 3 months) whereas these two have had a very close working relationship and the Bangladeshi guy has also been conscious of including me when he can, such as getting us both involved in the flood relief and asking my opinion on a couple of things.
To cut a long story short, this guy has been fired so stealing money and food from the flood relief funds, that he was coordinating. As I haven't been at work for a couple of weeks I don't know a lot but apparently ~$200 and a bag of potatoes and rice were missing. I can't help but feel that he has been wrongly accused - or has been made the scapegoat for someone else's mistakes.
The alternative is too hard to think about - that this lovely, kind, intelligent man would knowingly steal from people who have just had their lives devestated by floods.
I guess it's also a harsh reminder that I am living in what is apparently one of the most corrupt countries in the world (the joke is that Bangladesh bribed Nigeria to not have the top position).
One thing I did want to share though is how crushed I have been by an event that happened at work lately. To say I've had a hard time settling into work is a major understatement. I totally underestimated how hard it would be to work within a local organisation when I don't speak Bangla and when I have to rely on a few colleagues who have proficient English to guide me through as I learn about the different projects our organisation is running, while at the same time trying to grasp different cultural norms and work styles - and different attitudes to women (particularly young ones such as myself).
One of my colleagues who has been particularly good to me is a man who was fairly high up in our organisation and was the counterpart of the other Australian volunteer working there (we are each assigned a counterpart who we are supposed to work closely with and 'skills transfer' with). I was so jealous of the other Aussie volunteer, as for various reasons, many of which I am not exactly sure, I have had very little contact with my counterpart (~3 hours in 3 months) whereas these two have had a very close working relationship and the Bangladeshi guy has also been conscious of including me when he can, such as getting us both involved in the flood relief and asking my opinion on a couple of things.
To cut a long story short, this guy has been fired so stealing money and food from the flood relief funds, that he was coordinating. As I haven't been at work for a couple of weeks I don't know a lot but apparently ~$200 and a bag of potatoes and rice were missing. I can't help but feel that he has been wrongly accused - or has been made the scapegoat for someone else's mistakes.
The alternative is too hard to think about - that this lovely, kind, intelligent man would knowingly steal from people who have just had their lives devestated by floods.
I guess it's also a harsh reminder that I am living in what is apparently one of the most corrupt countries in the world (the joke is that Bangladesh bribed Nigeria to not have the top position).
Sick of Being Sick…
My body and more particularly my stomach has really been knocked around here in Bangladesh. I was hit with a bad bout of gastro on only day three in the country and although relatively unwell for my first month, was able to attribute it to the different foods and my stomach taking time to adjust. Since early August, however, I have been particularly unwell with various tummy bugs – and haven’t managed a full week of work since then – or to be completely well for more than two days in a row.
The last week and a half have been particularly bad and every time I seem to be getting better a new symptom arises. I have had a number of doctors appointments, tests etc and have gone through our entire dvd collection (including 20 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy – I am so sick of those monologues!) :)
I am weak and I am tired and I am miserable - and thus yesterday, despite having the option of an all expenses paid trip to a fancy hospital in Bangkok, I made the decision to go home to Australia for treatment and recuperation. Luckily, I was meant to be going for a long weekend in a few weeks for my brother’s 21st and have been able to bring that ticket forward.
I do feel a little pathetic about not being able to get myself better here – and incredibly guilty that I am able to go home to Australia and have access to good medical care, when I have not been able to get better here, despite having access to supposedly the best doctors in the country. What about the average Bangladeshi? The only way I can justify this in my own head is that currently I am no good to anyone here – and there is no way I can last another 9 months like this.
One of the lovely things though about being sick (always a silver lining), is that it has really made me appreciate my Australian friends here. I often complain about the “AYAD bubble” – where we all know each others business and spend an awful lot of time together (hard for me when I’m not such a fan of the ‘expat’ lifestyle) but during times like this the support network available has been wonderful. I have had people to accompany me to doctor’s appointments, call doctors in Australia for me, deliver dvd packages to save my sanity, make me soup, call to check up on me, buy me icypoles and lemonade, make me pumpkin, console me, advise me on medical things (yay for having a nurse in the group) and generally take care of me. I am so grateful to everyone and hope I can make it up to them (though hope none of them get this sick).
So I am looking forward to getting home and getting better...and then coming back here fully well and refreshed ready to tackle the next nine months.
The last week and a half have been particularly bad and every time I seem to be getting better a new symptom arises. I have had a number of doctors appointments, tests etc and have gone through our entire dvd collection (including 20 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy – I am so sick of those monologues!) :)
I am weak and I am tired and I am miserable - and thus yesterday, despite having the option of an all expenses paid trip to a fancy hospital in Bangkok, I made the decision to go home to Australia for treatment and recuperation. Luckily, I was meant to be going for a long weekend in a few weeks for my brother’s 21st and have been able to bring that ticket forward.
I do feel a little pathetic about not being able to get myself better here – and incredibly guilty that I am able to go home to Australia and have access to good medical care, when I have not been able to get better here, despite having access to supposedly the best doctors in the country. What about the average Bangladeshi? The only way I can justify this in my own head is that currently I am no good to anyone here – and there is no way I can last another 9 months like this.
One of the lovely things though about being sick (always a silver lining), is that it has really made me appreciate my Australian friends here. I often complain about the “AYAD bubble” – where we all know each others business and spend an awful lot of time together (hard for me when I’m not such a fan of the ‘expat’ lifestyle) but during times like this the support network available has been wonderful. I have had people to accompany me to doctor’s appointments, call doctors in Australia for me, deliver dvd packages to save my sanity, make me soup, call to check up on me, buy me icypoles and lemonade, make me pumpkin, console me, advise me on medical things (yay for having a nurse in the group) and generally take care of me. I am so grateful to everyone and hope I can make it up to them (though hope none of them get this sick).
So I am looking forward to getting home and getting better...and then coming back here fully well and refreshed ready to tackle the next nine months.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I love India!!
I never would have thought that I would be able to say that I went on a relaxing holiday to India - but now I can!!
Luckily for me, the curfews lifted just in time for me to catch my midnight bus to Kolkata (~12 hour trip) a few weeks ago and together with a couple of friends - Elise and Phoebe - set out on a one week adventure, which involved spending time in Kolkata, Bangalore and Allepey - and more nights sleeping on buses and trains then in actual beds!
Highlights of the trip included:
- eating yummy fish without bones!! (I have fish for lunch at work 5 days a week that are really small with really small bones and they are driving me insane! Sometimes we even have goldfish sized fish - eek!)
- spending a full 24 hours on a houseboat in the backwaters of Kerala in Allepey. It was so amazingly nice to feel relatively isolated and was a massive contrast to the chaos of Dhaka and being surrounded by people constantly
- jeans and book shopping in Bangalore - never before have I been able to find so many long pairs of jeans that fit well!
- being able to go out for a beer and buying a new sari in Kolkata
An interesting thing was that I felt so much free-er in India than I do in Bangladesh. It's really difficult to describe - and probably had a lot to do with the types of places we visited (relatively well off) and the fact that I was on holidays. A major difference though was that I was able to communicate much more easily with people in general, due to English being more widely spoken. It made such a difference being able to communicate! (my Bangla is in dire need of improvement).
Another interesting part of my trip was that the visible poverty in Kolkata was far less than I expected the first time I went there (coming from Dhaka) yet was far more visible on my way back, after having spent time in Kerala and Bangalore. Amazing how our perspectives become relative.
Overall I loved India and can't wait to go back there. But I am also happy to be back in Bangladesh and going away made me realise that I am starting to get a lot more settled here.
Will hopefully upload some photos on here soon - it would seem that I currently have a virus on my laptop that has infected my camera - fabulous!!
Luckily for me, the curfews lifted just in time for me to catch my midnight bus to Kolkata (~12 hour trip) a few weeks ago and together with a couple of friends - Elise and Phoebe - set out on a one week adventure, which involved spending time in Kolkata, Bangalore and Allepey - and more nights sleeping on buses and trains then in actual beds!
Highlights of the trip included:
- eating yummy fish without bones!! (I have fish for lunch at work 5 days a week that are really small with really small bones and they are driving me insane! Sometimes we even have goldfish sized fish - eek!)
- spending a full 24 hours on a houseboat in the backwaters of Kerala in Allepey. It was so amazingly nice to feel relatively isolated and was a massive contrast to the chaos of Dhaka and being surrounded by people constantly
- jeans and book shopping in Bangalore - never before have I been able to find so many long pairs of jeans that fit well!
- being able to go out for a beer and buying a new sari in Kolkata
An interesting thing was that I felt so much free-er in India than I do in Bangladesh. It's really difficult to describe - and probably had a lot to do with the types of places we visited (relatively well off) and the fact that I was on holidays. A major difference though was that I was able to communicate much more easily with people in general, due to English being more widely spoken. It made such a difference being able to communicate! (my Bangla is in dire need of improvement).
Another interesting part of my trip was that the visible poverty in Kolkata was far less than I expected the first time I went there (coming from Dhaka) yet was far more visible on my way back, after having spent time in Kerala and Bangalore. Amazing how our perspectives become relative.
Overall I loved India and can't wait to go back there. But I am also happy to be back in Bangladesh and going away made me realise that I am starting to get a lot more settled here.
Will hopefully upload some photos on here soon - it would seem that I currently have a virus on my laptop that has infected my camera - fabulous!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
"Suspicion of being a student"
Things have certainly settled down here and for the last few days we have only had curfews at night - from 10pm/11pm until 6am the following morning - and hopefully they will end soon.
The riots seemed to have ceased, with the major universities being shut down and students sent home (pretty much all students stay on campus).
There has, however, been some interesting reports - such as someone being arrested "on suspicion of being a student", charges being laid against 80 000 people - the majority unnamed - and reports of a group of ~100 'students' (including those who couldn't prove they worked) being rounded up from a particular area (indoors under curfew) and being beaten.
Here's a link to a BBC report on the situation from a few days ago (hope it works) -http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6961543.stm
The riots seemed to have ceased, with the major universities being shut down and students sent home (pretty much all students stay on campus).
There has, however, been some interesting reports - such as someone being arrested "on suspicion of being a student", charges being laid against 80 000 people - the majority unnamed - and reports of a group of ~100 'students' (including those who couldn't prove they worked) being rounded up from a particular area (indoors under curfew) and being beaten.
Here's a link to a BBC report on the situation from a few days ago (hope it works) -http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6961543.stm
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Dhaka is in chaos!
We are currently in day three of some major riots in Dhaka, that have spread to other areas of the country. Subsequently, a curfew has been imposed since 8pm last night and I am going a little crazy being housebound – especially as I was home all day yesterday as I was sick. I did just pop out of the house then for about 5 minutes – but the streets were eerily quiet, with only a few shops open and the main road near our house, normally chaotic, was completely empty except for the odd ambulance (they are allowed to move around hence a number of people “hire” them in these situations) and police.
You may have heard in the news at home about the riots so I won’t go into too much details here but what started as students protesting against the army treatment of a student and their presence on campus at Dhaka University, has escalated into a combination of protests against the army backed caretaker government and the lack of democracy - plus hooligans jumping on the bandwagon and joining in the violence. Some strategic places have been targeted by the students such as particular officials houses, but there also seems to be a lot of random hooliganism - for example outside one friend’s workplace yesterday people started throwing rocks at a bus and as passengers started jumping out the windows they set it on fire.
There are a lot of theories and rumours about the bigger picture of what is actually going on. Probably best if I don’t document them on here but will be interesting to see how this all pans out...
You may have heard in the news at home about the riots so I won’t go into too much details here but what started as students protesting against the army treatment of a student and their presence on campus at Dhaka University, has escalated into a combination of protests against the army backed caretaker government and the lack of democracy - plus hooligans jumping on the bandwagon and joining in the violence. Some strategic places have been targeted by the students such as particular officials houses, but there also seems to be a lot of random hooliganism - for example outside one friend’s workplace yesterday people started throwing rocks at a bus and as passengers started jumping out the windows they set it on fire.
There are a lot of theories and rumours about the bigger picture of what is actually going on. Probably best if I don’t document them on here but will be interesting to see how this all pans out...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Flood Relief
Hi everyone,
Just to let you know some good news in that our organisation has received some funds from our donors and started doing flood relief for people in our project areas that have been affected.
I went along today to see the packages of rice, potatoes, lentils and water purifiers being distributed – and was amazed at how patient and dignified people were.
I also went to visit one of our health clinics in the area. The waiting room was packed full of patients and the clinic was in a semi flooded area.
Here’s a couple of photos:

Just to let you know some good news in that our organisation has received some funds from our donors and started doing flood relief for people in our project areas that have been affected.
I went along today to see the packages of rice, potatoes, lentils and water purifiers being distributed – and was amazed at how patient and dignified people were.
I also went to visit one of our health clinics in the area. The waiting room was packed full of patients and the clinic was in a semi flooded area.
Here’s a couple of photos:
A Beachside Weekend!
The Lonely Planet states that one of the highlights of Dhaka is “getting the hell outta there”. While I do think that is a bit harsh, I have been craving some clean(er) air and a little less chaos and so last weekend headed south from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazaar for fellow Aussie, Lindy’s birthday bash.
Cox’s Bazaar is apparently the world’s longest (uninterrupted) beach – I’m still working out how/if that can be true – and although it is hard to measure up to our West Aussie beaches at the best of times – it was nice to be near ocean and a lot of greenery.
Highlights included swimming in salwar kammezes at the beach together with a group of children; eating yummy seafood and dancing in the darkness on the sand at the “Mermaid Café”; having a ride home in the back of a paddy van and getting in trouble from a policeman when we tried to get back to Lindy’s place at 2am (oops) – and having the most comfortable bus ride I’ve ever had – with so much leg room and built in massagers in the

Cox’s Bazaar is apparently the world’s longest (uninterrupted) beach – I’m still working out how/if that can be true – and although it is hard to measure up to our West Aussie beaches at the best of times – it was nice to be near ocean and a lot of greenery.
Highlights included swimming in salwar kammezes at the beach together with a group of children; eating yummy seafood and dancing in the darkness on the sand at the “Mermaid Café”; having a ride home in the back of a paddy van and getting in trouble from a policeman when we tried to get back to Lindy’s place at 2am (oops) – and having the most comfortable bus ride I’ve ever had – with so much leg room and built in massagers in the
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
A celebration (Tuesday 7th August)
Today I was reminded of how generous people can be.
There was a religious celebration in the Bihari camps and although people couldn’t tell me exactly what the religious significance of the day was, it involved different families taking the responsibility to cook a special type of food for the whole community. A ring is hidden in the food and the person who gets the ring takes the responsibility of providing the food the next year.
We were invited by some of the teachers from our organization who work in the camps to attend the festival. As I mentioned in previous entries, the conditions of the camps are very poor, but today they were alive with festivity and scattered houses full of people eating the food, which was a yummy sweet rice and milk dish (payish) and a fried flat bread (loochee).
We ended up visiting quite a few homes and the generosity of all the families we met, not only to us but to their fellow community members was humbling.
My most humbling experience came in the last house we visited. At that stage I was extremely full but our hosts kept insisting that we eat more. As we sat and chatted, the community members who had gathered started to tell us that there had recently been a government order to destroy the slum they were living in – and that it was due to happen sometime this week. In comparison to some of the other camps/slums, this one was fairly clean and ordered – as it had been destroyed last year by a fire and had been rebuilt.
No provision has been made for where these people are meant to go and the families that I spoke to said they have no plans yet and they will sort things out as they happen.
It is so difficult for me to comprehend being in that situation, but I think that if I was, feeding and entertaining my neighbours would be far from being a priority, yet alone a couple of complete strangers!!

There was a religious celebration in the Bihari camps and although people couldn’t tell me exactly what the religious significance of the day was, it involved different families taking the responsibility to cook a special type of food for the whole community. A ring is hidden in the food and the person who gets the ring takes the responsibility of providing the food the next year.
We were invited by some of the teachers from our organization who work in the camps to attend the festival. As I mentioned in previous entries, the conditions of the camps are very poor, but today they were alive with festivity and scattered houses full of people eating the food, which was a yummy sweet rice and milk dish (payish) and a fried flat bread (loochee).
We ended up visiting quite a few homes and the generosity of all the families we met, not only to us but to their fellow community members was humbling.
My most humbling experience came in the last house we visited. At that stage I was extremely full but our hosts kept insisting that we eat more. As we sat and chatted, the community members who had gathered started to tell us that there had recently been a government order to destroy the slum they were living in – and that it was due to happen sometime this week. In comparison to some of the other camps/slums, this one was fairly clean and ordered – as it had been destroyed last year by a fire and had been rebuilt.
No provision has been made for where these people are meant to go and the families that I spoke to said they have no plans yet and they will sort things out as they happen.
It is so difficult for me to comprehend being in that situation, but I think that if I was, feeding and entertaining my neighbours would be far from being a priority, yet alone a couple of complete strangers!!

Quote of the Week
“Tinjon mota” = “You three are fat!”
from our language teacher at our weekly lesson. It was elaborated on by telling us how good we were looking because we had got so fat and that no one would recognize us back home in Australia “especially you Amy”.
Think I need to cut down on my daily rice quota!! :)
from our language teacher at our weekly lesson. It was elaborated on by telling us how good we were looking because we had got so fat and that no one would recognize us back home in Australia “especially you Amy”.
Think I need to cut down on my daily rice quota!! :)
HitchHiking - Bangla Style
Floods are not Fairytales (Monday 6th August)
When I was young, the notion of a flood conjured magical images for me. I imagined being able to jump out of my house and go for a swim whenever I wanted in a never ending swimming pool, to row a boat over to a neighbours house and that a flood could pick up my whole house and transport it to a completely different place, fully intact, where new adventures could begin.
Of course, as I grew older (and wiser) I realized that floods were no fairytales. But it wasn’t until today that I fully comprehended what nightmares they can be.
As most of you would hopefully be aware, devastating floods have hit South Asia, particularly India, Nepal - and Bangladesh. Being located in the delta has meant that we have known the floods were coming, something that has been talked about matter of factly, without any signs of panic. And I guess when a country gets hit by floods every couple of years it does become normal. Even talk about the possibility of this being a “big flood”, that seem to occur in Bangladesh every 10 years (the last one was in 1998), has been focused around the fact that hopefully this isn’t it – as it’s a year early. A big flood will affect everyone. Right now, with almost half of the districts of Bangladesh being underwater, it is the rural areas and some of the poorer slum areas of the city that have been most affected. I think it may be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for many people.
From my daily trip to and from my home in central Dhaka to work in the north of the city I haven’t seen any signs of the flood. If I hadn’t been reading the newspaper, I would have no idea that the country was going underwater and even then, reading about something is way different to seeing it.
Today I went to visit one of our project areas in the south of Dhaka that has been affected by the floods. I have included some pictures below of what I saw as they probably speak more effectively than anything I can write. We rode around the area in riskshaws, although a boat would have been far more effective. The water was about knee deep, but as the tide came in it rose quickly by another 10cm and apparently at night it rises up to waist depth.
Apart from the obvious problems of peoples houses and belongings going underwater, the major concerns are increasing prices of food and clean water plus the waterborne diseases, such as cholera, malaria, dengue fever, etc. The hospitals are being flooded – with diarrhea patients – and children have died from it. The drownings that are occurring devastate me – but deaths from diarrhea, which should be treatable, absolutely crush me.
While I looked on today, devastated by what I saw (as one of the photos indicate – I promise that wasn’t a posed look) – people seemed to be going about their lives and wading through the water that I was scared to stand in (the smell of it is something that still hasn’t left my nostrils) and looking for options of how to feed and shelter their families.
The children, like I once did, thought that the water from the flood was great fun – and were playing and dunking in it, their parents otherwise occupied looking for necessities.
My perspectives on everything seem to have become relative in Bangladesh. The only glimmer of hope for a fairytale ending now, is for the flood waters to recede soon and that a repeat of the ‘98 flood will not occur.

Of course, as I grew older (and wiser) I realized that floods were no fairytales. But it wasn’t until today that I fully comprehended what nightmares they can be.
As most of you would hopefully be aware, devastating floods have hit South Asia, particularly India, Nepal - and Bangladesh. Being located in the delta has meant that we have known the floods were coming, something that has been talked about matter of factly, without any signs of panic. And I guess when a country gets hit by floods every couple of years it does become normal. Even talk about the possibility of this being a “big flood”, that seem to occur in Bangladesh every 10 years (the last one was in 1998), has been focused around the fact that hopefully this isn’t it – as it’s a year early. A big flood will affect everyone. Right now, with almost half of the districts of Bangladesh being underwater, it is the rural areas and some of the poorer slum areas of the city that have been most affected. I think it may be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for many people.
From my daily trip to and from my home in central Dhaka to work in the north of the city I haven’t seen any signs of the flood. If I hadn’t been reading the newspaper, I would have no idea that the country was going underwater and even then, reading about something is way different to seeing it.
Today I went to visit one of our project areas in the south of Dhaka that has been affected by the floods. I have included some pictures below of what I saw as they probably speak more effectively than anything I can write. We rode around the area in riskshaws, although a boat would have been far more effective. The water was about knee deep, but as the tide came in it rose quickly by another 10cm and apparently at night it rises up to waist depth.
Apart from the obvious problems of peoples houses and belongings going underwater, the major concerns are increasing prices of food and clean water plus the waterborne diseases, such as cholera, malaria, dengue fever, etc. The hospitals are being flooded – with diarrhea patients – and children have died from it. The drownings that are occurring devastate me – but deaths from diarrhea, which should be treatable, absolutely crush me.
While I looked on today, devastated by what I saw (as one of the photos indicate – I promise that wasn’t a posed look) – people seemed to be going about their lives and wading through the water that I was scared to stand in (the smell of it is something that still hasn’t left my nostrils) and looking for options of how to feed and shelter their families.
The children, like I once did, thought that the water from the flood was great fun – and were playing and dunking in it, their parents otherwise occupied looking for necessities.
My perspectives on everything seem to have become relative in Bangladesh. The only glimmer of hope for a fairytale ending now, is for the flood waters to recede soon and that a repeat of the ‘98 flood will not occur.

The only people profitting from the floods are the boat makers...
A day in Old Dhaka (3rd August)
What a lovely Bangladeshi day yesterday was!
I spent the day traipsing around Old Dhaka with housemate Lucy (Hopkins – a Perthy – Sarah Mills, you’re our sole Perth connection so far) and seeing some of the sights.
The highlight was a boat trip in a small local boat – which was the type of image I expected of Dhaka, and provided an insight into how Dhaka would have been in the “olden days”.
A perfect day was capped off by eating bruschetta and drinking wine in the coolness of our rooftop (it was a stinking hot day) while listening to music and looking out over our lake and mosque.
Day trip to Comilla (28th July)
Today we did a day trip outside of Dhaka – to the Maynamati Ruins in Comilla, as part of our in country orientation. It was so nice to get out of the city and into some greenery and although it was an exhausting 3 hour drive each way and with a group of 20 Bideshis felt a bit like a school excursion, it was fascinating to see the ruins of some Buddhist Temples from the 6th and 7th centuries.
Highlights of the day included somehow being convinced to dance Bangla style with a group of Bangladeshis – something that housemate Shelly captured on video which I will try to upload on here at a later date - and being saved by Deepak, Nubia’s fiancé, from a major stack down a muddy path in the rain. Poor Deepak is about half my height but luckily proved be quite strong as he caught me while I slid down. I’m just thankful that Nepali etiquette about touching women is different to Banladeshi, as I’m pretty sure the Bangla guys would, by instinct, have let me fall rather than touch me!
Here’s a couple of photos from the ruins.

Highlights of the day included somehow being convinced to dance Bangla style with a group of Bangladeshis – something that housemate Shelly captured on video which I will try to upload on here at a later date - and being saved by Deepak, Nubia’s fiancé, from a major stack down a muddy path in the rain. Poor Deepak is about half my height but luckily proved be quite strong as he caught me while I slid down. I’m just thankful that Nepali etiquette about touching women is different to Banladeshi, as I’m pretty sure the Bangla guys would, by instinct, have let me fall rather than touch me!
Here’s a couple of photos from the ruins.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Lots of posts just added
I've just added 9 or so new posts - some with photos from the last couple of weeks.
Happy reading!
Happy reading!
Having a tough time (27th July)
I don’t really like to admit it – but I have been having a bit of a tough time here – and am finding it a lot more challenging than I expected.
It’s funny because it’s all the new and exciting but also challenging and daunting things of living in a new country which I love – but also find really hard. I’m definitely learning a lot about myself, including new coping skills and have a plan of attack for the coming week that includes a number of proactive actions work-wise, regular exercise (bring on the endorphins) and social activities.
Wish me luck!
It’s funny because it’s all the new and exciting but also challenging and daunting things of living in a new country which I love – but also find really hard. I’m definitely learning a lot about myself, including new coping skills and have a plan of attack for the coming week that includes a number of proactive actions work-wise, regular exercise (bring on the endorphins) and social activities.
Wish me luck!
A sari night (27th July)
Here’s a photo of us spunky Aussies – and Badrul, our in-country manager and me in my sari from the front and behind.
Rural Bangladesh (21st July)
A random fun night… (20th July)
It is the unexpected that makes living in a different country so much fun and last night was one such random fun night.
Elise and I decided to go to a local cultural centre (that must remain nameless) for a music night – which we were under the impression was jazz music and a quiet sit down affair.
It turned out however to be disco music – with lots of dancing, with the type of environment where men would come up and ask you to dance. And there was alcohol available (it is illegal in Bangladesh) which was equally bizarre.
Certainly not the type of night we expected but was good to know that there’s somewhere close we can go for a dance and a glass of wine!
Elise and I decided to go to a local cultural centre (that must remain nameless) for a music night – which we were under the impression was jazz music and a quiet sit down affair.
It turned out however to be disco music – with lots of dancing, with the type of environment where men would come up and ask you to dance. And there was alcohol available (it is illegal in Bangladesh) which was equally bizarre.
Certainly not the type of night we expected but was good to know that there’s somewhere close we can go for a dance and a glass of wine!
Had a bad day at work? Child Labour Up Close and Personal (18th July)
So I thought after my experiences with war affected children in Uganda, the child rights abuses that I would experience in Bangladesh wouldn’t affect me so much – boy was I wrong!
Today I went to another school for child labourers that our organisation runs. It was a great visit as the children were really inquisitive about Australia - and I had a hard time answering some of the questions (e.g. – Do children work in Australia? Are the poor people in Australia as poor as us?, etc). The children also asked me to sing an Australian song – and having the worst singing voice of anyone I know – I was compelled to comply – aah. The song I chose… “Give me a home among the gumtrees” (with actions). I asked them questions about their work – and most said they worked about 4 hours a day, mainly in sari designing although this young fella told me he sometimes worked as a welder…
After visiting the school, some of the kids directed me to go in the door across the alleyway – where there were 2 rooms of kids working. They were doing design work on material that is going to be used for ladies shoes – one bead at a time. What surprised me the most about the situation was that they didn’t try to hide anything from me – I thought the older workers may have tried to hide the younger kids from me – but they all spoke very openly and honestly about the situation.
The story that got me the most was of this young boy:
He is 8 years old and has been working for over a year. He works 10 hour days, six days a week, and gets paid a measly 50 Taka a week – less than one Aussie dollar.
What I think I find the hardest is how child labour is such a normal part of society here. And it’s such a complex issue – how can you blame parents who send their children to work when they rely on that income to survive (it is estimated that children provide ~38% of a family’s income in the Bihari camps).
The Biharis (17th July)
Before becoming interested in this position in Bangladesh I really knew little about the Bihari people here. I am still learning more about the situation and my organisation does a lot of work with them, so I will continue to update you as I go – but thought I would share what I have learnt so far.
Locally, the Biharis are knows as ‘stranded Pakistanis’ but they actually migrated from India (mostly from the Bihar state) during the partition of the subcontinent in 1964 (I am assuming because they are Muslim but I don’t know that for sure). Bangladesh was at that stage, East Pakistan, but fought for independence successfully in 1971 – with the Biharis fighting on the side of the Pakistanis. Pakistan, however, does not want them – they do not want to be part of Bangladesh (or India) – and so they are stateless.
They still live mainly in refugee camps set up by the International Red Crescent immediately after the war and most live in one room houses – with 3 generations crammed in together, in overcrowded slum areas without basic services such as water supply, sanitation and garbage disposal. They are secluded and quite separate from mainstream Bengali society and most are illiterate. Apparently most of the older Biharis want to relocate to Pakistan but the younger ones would prefer to stay in Bangladesh.
I will be working quite closely with this community, as part of our child labour project.
This is a photo of an alleyway in one of the camps.
Now This is Bangladesh… (16th July)
Well today was more like what I expected Bangladesh to be like…
It started with a message at 5:30am from one of the other Aussies informing us that Sheikh Hasina, the Party Chief of the Awami League political party, and former Prime Minister of Bangladesh had been arrested. Her house is just a few places down from our apartment so it was a warning to be careful as mass protests were expected.
So, peering down on the street from our rooftop, Elise (housemate) and I expected to see a lot of action – as although under the current caretaker government political activity is banned, we thought it would be a big enough deal for supporters to stage a mass protest that Bangladesh is so famous for (our housemates Lucy and Shell who arrived here 9 months ago had a good couple of months of regular strikes and being locked in their house). Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no action on our street – just lots of police, RAB (military police) and journalists – so we were given the go ahead to go to work.
The day continued to get interesting as there had been heavy rains and so lots of the roads on my way to Mirpur were flooded. Again what I expected to see more of in Bangladesh, given that it’s the monsoon season – but I think the drainage from the roads is better in the area that I live in comparison to around where I work.
It was my second day at work today and my counterpart has been really busy – and not in the office a lot – so I went on a field visit with another colleague to some informal schools (mornings) come microfinance centres (afternoons) that our organisation runs in nearby Bihari Camps. I will write more about the Biharis in a separate entry but the living conditions in the camps were extremely poor and were very similar to the slums of Kampala – but different and with different issues.
Our organisation works a lot on child labour and so the informal schools run from 7:30-10:30 am to provide the children with some education while allowing them to still work and contribute to their families. I visited two of the schools and chatted with the women who came after the school had finished for a microfinance meeting. While we were talking, heavy rains came again and so we all stayed inside a little longer and through an interpreter were able to chat. It was probably one of the rawest cultural exchanges I have ever experienced – as I did not know a lot about the history of Biharis, or how their culture differs to the Bangladeshis – and the women had many questions about life in Australia.
Such moments are so special and it’s small moments like these that will make my time here.
It started with a message at 5:30am from one of the other Aussies informing us that Sheikh Hasina, the Party Chief of the Awami League political party, and former Prime Minister of Bangladesh had been arrested. Her house is just a few places down from our apartment so it was a warning to be careful as mass protests were expected.
So, peering down on the street from our rooftop, Elise (housemate) and I expected to see a lot of action – as although under the current caretaker government political activity is banned, we thought it would be a big enough deal for supporters to stage a mass protest that Bangladesh is so famous for (our housemates Lucy and Shell who arrived here 9 months ago had a good couple of months of regular strikes and being locked in their house). Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no action on our street – just lots of police, RAB (military police) and journalists – so we were given the go ahead to go to work.
The day continued to get interesting as there had been heavy rains and so lots of the roads on my way to Mirpur were flooded. Again what I expected to see more of in Bangladesh, given that it’s the monsoon season – but I think the drainage from the roads is better in the area that I live in comparison to around where I work.
It was my second day at work today and my counterpart has been really busy – and not in the office a lot – so I went on a field visit with another colleague to some informal schools (mornings) come microfinance centres (afternoons) that our organisation runs in nearby Bihari Camps. I will write more about the Biharis in a separate entry but the living conditions in the camps were extremely poor and were very similar to the slums of Kampala – but different and with different issues.
Our organisation works a lot on child labour and so the informal schools run from 7:30-10:30 am to provide the children with some education while allowing them to still work and contribute to their families. I visited two of the schools and chatted with the women who came after the school had finished for a microfinance meeting. While we were talking, heavy rains came again and so we all stayed inside a little longer and through an interpreter were able to chat. It was probably one of the rawest cultural exchanges I have ever experienced – as I did not know a lot about the history of Biharis, or how their culture differs to the Bangladeshis – and the women had many questions about life in Australia.
Such moments are so special and it’s small moments like these that will make my time here.
Apparently this outfit is supposed to make me less conspicuous?!?!
Ever imagined me wearing hot pink and hot blue together?
Introducing the salwar (pronounced shalwar) kameeze
The salwar kameeze is the local dress here – and what I must wear in public. Essentially it consists of long baggy salwar pants (complete with baggy crutch) and a long half dress/half top thingy – the kameeze. To complete the outfit – and the most important item is the orna – which may be worn in the way I am in the above photo, but in more conservative areas must be worn the other way – as it’s intended purpose is to cover the woman’s chest area – and that is the way I must wear it to work (as you will see in the photos from my workplace). To be seen in public without an orna is highly revealing – I can get away with wearing jeans, and long tops in public (in certain areas) – but definitely not without an orna!
Luckily, part of my in country orientation included clothe shopping with the very stylish Mahmuda – who was able to impart valuable Bangladeshi fashion advice – being that the brighter and bolder the outfit the better! Bright orange, yellow, green, pink, purple, blue, etc are in – and beige is definitely out (to the first kameeze that I picked out of a rack, that I thought was a very stylish beige and brown number, Mahmuda advised that “you could wear that – but it’s rather sober – and people at work may talk about you and laugh at you”). Needless to say, it went back on the rack.
Another piece of advice was that every girl needs a pair of “skinny pants” – which are the latest fashion – and that get scrunched up around the ankles. Such pants, however, are far too raunchy for the area that I work in (reveal way too much leg). I’m actually quite thankful – as they are a bit of a pain in the butt to wear – but thought you would like to see what they look like off – how hilarious!!

Also important is that you wear 5 different salwar kameezes to work each week – it’s a big no-no to repeat an outfit. Hence, I currently have 6 different outfits that I’m circulating through.
At the moment it’s quite fun – wearing styles and colours that I never would at home. I just hope the novelty lasts!
The salwar kameeze is the local dress here – and what I must wear in public. Essentially it consists of long baggy salwar pants (complete with baggy crutch) and a long half dress/half top thingy – the kameeze. To complete the outfit – and the most important item is the orna – which may be worn in the way I am in the above photo, but in more conservative areas must be worn the other way – as it’s intended purpose is to cover the woman’s chest area – and that is the way I must wear it to work (as you will see in the photos from my workplace). To be seen in public without an orna is highly revealing – I can get away with wearing jeans, and long tops in public (in certain areas) – but definitely not without an orna!
Luckily, part of my in country orientation included clothe shopping with the very stylish Mahmuda – who was able to impart valuable Bangladeshi fashion advice – being that the brighter and bolder the outfit the better! Bright orange, yellow, green, pink, purple, blue, etc are in – and beige is definitely out (to the first kameeze that I picked out of a rack, that I thought was a very stylish beige and brown number, Mahmuda advised that “you could wear that – but it’s rather sober – and people at work may talk about you and laugh at you”). Needless to say, it went back on the rack.
Another piece of advice was that every girl needs a pair of “skinny pants” – which are the latest fashion – and that get scrunched up around the ankles. Such pants, however, are far too raunchy for the area that I work in (reveal way too much leg). I’m actually quite thankful – as they are a bit of a pain in the butt to wear – but thought you would like to see what they look like off – how hilarious!!
Also important is that you wear 5 different salwar kameezes to work each week – it’s a big no-no to repeat an outfit. Hence, I currently have 6 different outfits that I’m circulating through.
At the moment it’s quite fun – wearing styles and colours that I never would at home. I just hope the novelty lasts!
Great Expectations (15th July)
After a somewhat intense and detailed “in country orientation” I have now been fully briefed on a number of “worst case scenarios”, particularly around security issues. As such, my expectations for the following year include:
Ø that most Bangladeshi people will be extremely hospitable and friendly, but that at some stage during my 12 months I will be mugged and I am also likely to be groped at least once
Ø that I will put on weight because of all the good food but that I will get a number of bouts of gastro because of the food, (hopefully the two will balance out the other to keep my weight stable)
Ø that at least one person in our intake (there are 9 of us) will be evacuated to Thailand for medical treatment during our time here (this is based on the fact that I know of at least 4 Aussie volunteers that this has happened to already this year)
Ø that I will no doubt give the wrong impression to many a male friend or acquaintance because merely smiling at someone of the opposite sex can mean that you “want” them
Ø that I will witness extreme wealth yet I will also witness the most extreme poverty
Ø that although Bangladesh is currently in an official political ‘state of emergency”, it will be a much calmer country than it has been in recent years
Ø that my work will be challenging and rewarding yet many a time will be extremely frustrating
Ø that I will experience many extreme highs while I am here yet just as many extreme lows
Ø that as a guest in this country I will learn much more than I can possibly teach
Ø that most Bangladeshi people will be extremely hospitable and friendly, but that at some stage during my 12 months I will be mugged and I am also likely to be groped at least once
Ø that I will put on weight because of all the good food but that I will get a number of bouts of gastro because of the food, (hopefully the two will balance out the other to keep my weight stable)
Ø that at least one person in our intake (there are 9 of us) will be evacuated to Thailand for medical treatment during our time here (this is based on the fact that I know of at least 4 Aussie volunteers that this has happened to already this year)
Ø that I will no doubt give the wrong impression to many a male friend or acquaintance because merely smiling at someone of the opposite sex can mean that you “want” them
Ø that I will witness extreme wealth yet I will also witness the most extreme poverty
Ø that although Bangladesh is currently in an official political ‘state of emergency”, it will be a much calmer country than it has been in recent years
Ø that my work will be challenging and rewarding yet many a time will be extremely frustrating
Ø that I will experience many extreme highs while I am here yet just as many extreme lows
Ø that as a guest in this country I will learn much more than I can possibly teach
My Life as A Porn Star… (14th July)
We were warned at our pre-departure training that we would get a lot of stares here in Bangladesh – I must admit that it’s generally not as bad as I expected and after living in Africa and being a head taller than the average population at home in Oz, I guess I’ve grown kind of used to strangers having a gawk. Nonetheless though, it does feel weird to have people stop and stare right next to you and look you up and down.
I’d like to think that the plethora of men who stare at me here each day are staring because of my dazzling good looks, but I have been told that one of the main reasons men stare so much is because of the distinct lack of bideshis (foreigners) here and their main exposure to western women has been through porn movies!! Hollywood also has a lot to answer for, with the perception that Western women are extremely “loose” – I had to assure one of my colleagues the other day that most people in Australia don’t lose their virginity at age 11!
I’ve decided though, that most people are staring because whiteys are such a novelty here and they’re naturally curious – and I’m not going to let myself dwell too much on what the sleazy looking men with their drooling mouths open are imagining…
This is a photo of what can happen when a group (or a couple) of bideshis are seen together - a group of people (usually men) just appear from nowhere. Who needs rent a crowd?
I’d like to think that the plethora of men who stare at me here each day are staring because of my dazzling good looks, but I have been told that one of the main reasons men stare so much is because of the distinct lack of bideshis (foreigners) here and their main exposure to western women has been through porn movies!! Hollywood also has a lot to answer for, with the perception that Western women are extremely “loose” – I had to assure one of my colleagues the other day that most people in Australia don’t lose their virginity at age 11!
I’ve decided though, that most people are staring because whiteys are such a novelty here and they’re naturally curious – and I’m not going to let myself dwell too much on what the sleazy looking men with their drooling mouths open are imagining…
This is a photo of what can happen when a group (or a couple) of bideshis are seen together - a group of people (usually men) just appear from nowhere. Who needs rent a crowd?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Quotable Quotes!
"You are a Bengal Tiger" (directed to me by a rickshaw wallah as he rode past yesterday - in reference to my bright orange stripy kameeze)
"You are the tallest person I have ever seen in this world" (again yesterday by a man on the side of the world - and judging by the height of the Bangladeshis it was probably true!)
Once my Bangla improves I will no doubt notice a lot more!
"You are the tallest person I have ever seen in this world" (again yesterday by a man on the side of the world - and judging by the height of the Bangladeshis it was probably true!)
Once my Bangla improves I will no doubt notice a lot more!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Funny Bangla Words - My Mum is a shitkicker
Have had some very immature giggle fits in Bangla lessons recently, so thought I'd share some funny Bangla words
Shikikka (prounounced shitkicker)= female teacher
Shikok = male teacher
Farker = empty
Bam dike (pronounced bum dicki) = left side
Shikikka (prounounced shitkicker)= female teacher
Shikok = male teacher
Farker = empty
Bam dike (pronounced bum dicki) = left side
PDA in Bangladesh
Just had to share a funny statement from a menu at a fairly posh (in relative terms) cafe I went to today...
PDA (public displays of affection) are a big no-no here, and in a country where arranged marriages are the norm, boyfriends and girlfriends have to be very discreet. With exception, it seems, are particular areas, such as at Dhaka University and around the lake in Dhanmondi, where couples are snuggled up everywhere!!
This particular cafe seems to have students as their main clientele - and is set up for couples (only tables for two) - but I guess they don't want any funny business such as (heaven forbid) holding hands or kissing on their premises!
First Visit to My Workplace
Hi Crew,
Just wanted to share with you a moment from my first visit to my workplace on Monday. For those not exactly sure what I'll be doing, I'm going to be working at a local NGO here called SEEP (Social and Economic Enhancement Program) as a Child Rights Advocacy Officer. Monday was just an introduction day that consisted of a couple of meetings with my supervisor and a tour of the office. The organisation looks fantastic and seems to be doing a lot of great work - with their main focus on children and a holistic approach to child rights issues.
The highlight of my day, which particularly the CHRE uni crew at home will appreciate, was when I went downstairs to check out the drop in centre. A group of 12 child labourers aged 10-12 were there, practising a play that one of the girls had written. They were sitting in a circle as the girl directed everyone and told them their lines, etc - and then they stood up and acted out the play, which was about child labour. In the play, the girl was working in a sari factory, and when she doesn't turn up to school the other children tell their teacher why. The teacher then goes to speak to the parents and eventually the girl is allowed to go to school. This may sound simple enough to many of you, but what astounded me was how the children directed themselves and listened to the leader - who was a girl; and that this community education tool was being utilised to address what is a huge and complicated problem here. It was also so fantastic to see something I have studied being practiced at a grassroots level in a local context.
I can't wait to start work on Sunday!
Just wanted to share with you a moment from my first visit to my workplace on Monday. For those not exactly sure what I'll be doing, I'm going to be working at a local NGO here called SEEP (Social and Economic Enhancement Program) as a Child Rights Advocacy Officer. Monday was just an introduction day that consisted of a couple of meetings with my supervisor and a tour of the office. The organisation looks fantastic and seems to be doing a lot of great work - with their main focus on children and a holistic approach to child rights issues.
The highlight of my day, which particularly the CHRE uni crew at home will appreciate, was when I went downstairs to check out the drop in centre. A group of 12 child labourers aged 10-12 were there, practising a play that one of the girls had written. They were sitting in a circle as the girl directed everyone and told them their lines, etc - and then they stood up and acted out the play, which was about child labour. In the play, the girl was working in a sari factory, and when she doesn't turn up to school the other children tell their teacher why. The teacher then goes to speak to the parents and eventually the girl is allowed to go to school. This may sound simple enough to many of you, but what astounded me was how the children directed themselves and listened to the leader - who was a girl; and that this community education tool was being utilised to address what is a huge and complicated problem here. It was also so fantastic to see something I have studied being practiced at a grassroots level in a local context.
I can't wait to start work on Sunday!
Monday, July 9, 2007

Our visit to Old Dhaka on Friday deserves an entry of its own. It was our (myself, Elise and Zaneta’s) first time out on our own so armed with some very basic Bangla we set out for an explore. It was a Friday which apparently is a quiet day in Old Dhaka - but for us it seemed far from quiet!! We went and explored a Hindu Market which was like stepping off the street into a hidden world, with an undercover area filled with people selling spices, fruit, vegies, fish, meat, live chickens, eggs, etc. It was probably my first “Whoa, I’m in Bangladesh” moment. Walking around the market we were followed by people asking us where we were from and trying to make general conversation – it certainly motivated my desire to learn Bangla properly as it is so frustrating not knowing the language.
We drove around Old Dhaka for a bit – the streets were a lot narrower than other parts we’d been to, which gave it a different type of feel. Had lunch at a local restaurant where the waiters didn’t know English but brought us an array of different yummy foods to try – thankfully however, one waiter knew how to say “muttons brain” in English!
We also went to Lalbagh Fort, a huge fortress and museum from the Moghul period in the 1600s. Was very impressive. Somehow, however, it felt like we were the main tourist attraction for the Bangladeshis there, with families requesting photos with us, children and adults following us around (I felt like the Pied Piper at one stage) and people not so subtly taking photos of us with their mobile phone cameras!! Think I’ll need to start charging 10 taka! :)
Here are a couple of photos from the Fort…
We drove around Old Dhaka for a bit – the streets were a lot narrower than other parts we’d been to, which gave it a different type of feel. Had lunch at a local restaurant where the waiters didn’t know English but brought us an array of different yummy foods to try – thankfully however, one waiter knew how to say “muttons brain” in English!
We also went to Lalbagh Fort, a huge fortress and museum from the Moghul period in the 1600s. Was very impressive. Somehow, however, it felt like we were the main tourist attraction for the Bangladeshis there, with families requesting photos with us, children and adults following us around (I felt like the Pied Piper at one stage) and people not so subtly taking photos of us with their mobile phone cameras!! Think I’ll need to start charging 10 taka! :)
Here are a couple of photos from the Fort…
Hey crew,
Well I thought I’d share with you some of my first impressions of Bangladesh. I am sure I will look back on this entry in 12 months and cringe, because
a) I do so when I look back on my first impressions of Uganda and realise how naïve I was;
b) My time so far has mostly been spent in a bubble of staying in a nice hotel, driving around in an airconditioned car and generally being moddy-coddled by our in-country support team; and
c) I have only been to a couple of areas in Dhaka.
But anyhows, so far - and hopefully I’m not speaking too soon - I love it here. Dhaka is huge, with high rise apartments and tall buildings everywhere – which I guess explains how Bangladesh fits a population of 150 million into the size of 2 thirds of Victoria (Australia). It is also chaotic with the roads full of traffic – buses, bicycle rickshaws, cars, CNGs (motorised three wheeler vehicles), pedestrians, etc. My goal for by the end of this week is to be able to cross the road by myself – which will be no mean feat! The pollution is nowhere near as bad as I envisaged – probably thanks to the three wheelers and buses running on Compressed Natural Gas. There is also a lot more trees and parks than I imagined (which I guess is not hard as I didn’t expect any) and thanks to the recent monsoon season they are all extremely green. The high numbers of beggars and street children is hard to deal with and they are much higher in number than anywhere I have ever been. I am still in mixed minds about how to deal with that – but have taken to carrying leftover food with me as I am told money does not go to the kids but to their “pimps”. I guess I will learn a lot more of the ins and outs once I start work…
The weather is nice and hot which is fabulous – I think around the 30 degrees mark which is perfect but the humidity is draining and taking me a while to get used to. Such weather though also means an abundance of mangoes and pineapples – so I am in paradise.
The other thing I love about being here is all the “life” noises – the music of the bicycle bells (even when interrupted by the constant horn honking), the calls to prayer from the mosques, the sounds of people on the streets and just general sounds of people living their lives…
Will leave you with a couple of photos from my first week – I’m not really confident or savvy enough yet to venture out with my camera but here are a couple of snaps to give you a bit of an idea (note the attempted photos of myself, Elise and Zaneta in our snazzy new outfits failed due to my lens fogging up because of the humidity).
Ciao for now,
Well I thought I’d share with you some of my first impressions of Bangladesh. I am sure I will look back on this entry in 12 months and cringe, because
a) I do so when I look back on my first impressions of Uganda and realise how naïve I was;
b) My time so far has mostly been spent in a bubble of staying in a nice hotel, driving around in an airconditioned car and generally being moddy-coddled by our in-country support team; and
c) I have only been to a couple of areas in Dhaka.
But anyhows, so far - and hopefully I’m not speaking too soon - I love it here. Dhaka is huge, with high rise apartments and tall buildings everywhere – which I guess explains how Bangladesh fits a population of 150 million into the size of 2 thirds of Victoria (Australia). It is also chaotic with the roads full of traffic – buses, bicycle rickshaws, cars, CNGs (motorised three wheeler vehicles), pedestrians, etc. My goal for by the end of this week is to be able to cross the road by myself – which will be no mean feat! The pollution is nowhere near as bad as I envisaged – probably thanks to the three wheelers and buses running on Compressed Natural Gas. There is also a lot more trees and parks than I imagined (which I guess is not hard as I didn’t expect any) and thanks to the recent monsoon season they are all extremely green. The high numbers of beggars and street children is hard to deal with and they are much higher in number than anywhere I have ever been. I am still in mixed minds about how to deal with that – but have taken to carrying leftover food with me as I am told money does not go to the kids but to their “pimps”. I guess I will learn a lot more of the ins and outs once I start work…
The weather is nice and hot which is fabulous – I think around the 30 degrees mark which is perfect but the humidity is draining and taking me a while to get used to. Such weather though also means an abundance of mangoes and pineapples – so I am in paradise.
The other thing I love about being here is all the “life” noises – the music of the bicycle bells (even when interrupted by the constant horn honking), the calls to prayer from the mosques, the sounds of people on the streets and just general sounds of people living their lives…
Will leave you with a couple of photos from my first week – I’m not really confident or savvy enough yet to venture out with my camera but here are a couple of snaps to give you a bit of an idea (note the attempted photos of myself, Elise and Zaneta in our snazzy new outfits failed due to my lens fogging up because of the humidity).
Ciao for now,
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